Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Building of Our Classroom

A classroom has always been a dream of mine.  My OCD brain likes having one place where everything can be stored and a place that we can head to each day to get into "school mode".  It was much easier to just go along and work anywhere when it was just my Treasure and myself, but now that Miss Joyful is here, and our little Bear, I find that we all need full sensory clues to get us going.  We started working on this last year, but it took a back seat while we figured out exactly what we really wanted to do with it.  It is finally finished, and it has become a favorite place to hang out.  We are all very happy with the results, and can't wait to get in there on Monday and start our new school year :)

Here are some photos to take you through our transformation.

From an old wood shed, to a giant mess of a room full of supplies needing a home....

To this :)  
I had to play around with the layout for awhile, and then stop.  If I didn't stop we won't be able to start school!  So, not sure if this is how it will stay or not, but this is how we are starting our year.

Circle/Reading/Active Learning/Quiet time etc area
Our table work area.  The table can become super narrow and I can push it against the wall to give us a great sensory area as well.

Painting of the Week

This is my great storage area.  I've been able to take pretty much everything that I have from all of the other places in the house and find it a home here.  It is defiantly a work in progress!!!

And there you go, our new classroom :)

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