Saturday, September 5, 2015

This years program

Since I needed a small break from planning, I though I'd stop by over hear and get a post out about what programs we are using this year.

Treasure is now in grade 3.  We found that she doesn't do as well with the math stories, and does better with direct instruction.  So this year we will forgo the Waldorf math, and work through Rightstart Math.  I have been feeling a little self conscious about our language arts and have Learning Language Arts Through Literature for her this year, but still not sure if we are going to work with it or not.  I imagine that we will try it for a few weeks and see how it fits in.  Or, I'll pull it out in the new year if we haven't gotten to where I think we should be at that time.  But the bulk of her work will be from Earthschooling, with whom we enjoy a lifetime membership.

Joyful will be working on a Kindergarten/Grade 1 program this year, in preparation for Earthschooling Grade One next year.  We had so much fun in 2013 with the Wee Folk Art Program that we've decided to use that as our base again this year.  I also have for her the Handwriting Without Tears Get Set for School program.  We are both looking forward to incorporating their activities into her day. 

It seems that our Bear is becoming more engaging and alert as she gets older (not this last week though).  I am hoping that she will become more involved in listening to our stories, making art, and enjoying sensory fun with all of us this year.

Again, we have changed up the weeks in the Wee Folk Art program to better suit our location and us.  This year we have deleted a few things and added a few of our own.

  1. Farmer's Market
  2. Leaves & Fall (Fall Equinox)
  3. Apples
  4. Michaelmas (Dragons) & Sukkot
  5. Thanksgiving
  6. Blacksmiths
  7. Pumpkins
  8. Halloween
  9. Remeberance Day & Martinmas
  10. Wool & Sheep/Alpacas
  11. Goats & Milk
  12. Grains & Bread
We haven't decided yet if we will take December off, work on a Winter/Winter Solstice/Christmas/
Hanukkah block, play catch up....  But when we have a plan, I'll let you know.

Right now we are all eager and excited to get started, only one more day of prep left.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Not such a great blogger

So apparently, I'm not such a great blogger.  I always have great intentions to update weekly, showing all of the wonderful and beautiful things that we have done and created, and then...

But it's a new year now.  I've updated everything that was waiting for updates here (pictures from last years 3 blog posts) and a blog post from 2013 that's been sitting in the draft folder (not sure why it was there, and I just posted it, hopefully there's nothing "wrong" with it).  I've also added a new blog post for the Primary Geography/Social Studies unit that we did in July.

I am right now sitting, and planning, and planning, and planning our new year.  I know that trick to making the year run smoothly is PLANNING AND PREP.  So we won't be moving forward until that is completed, and surprisingly it almost is :)  So please do hang in there and don't give up on me.  This year is shaping up to be the best one yet.

Georaphy & a Road Trip

As I attempt to plan our a Grade 3 year for my Treasure, I've been going over all of the primary standards for the primary grades in our area to make sure that we have or will be touching on everything.  I realized that we haven't really done any of the social studies stuff.  So I sat down and wrote out a plan to take us through July.  We did end up taking some time off, with an impromptu trip to the East coast to say Good Bye to my dear Uncle.  The road trip allowed us to stop at a town that is half way between the Equator and the North Pole.